Welcome to my web-page. I am specialized in machine learning for mobile development. I’ve spent most of my professional life at the intersection of cutting-edge academic research and hands-on software engineering. I am curious by nature, a quick learner and I bring systematic academic thinking, solid software development skills and hands-on machine learning experience to the table.

I hold a Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands and a computer science Master’s and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. I’ve worked 7+ years in research environments, where I’ve (co-)authored 20+ scientific publications in the domains of machine learning, information security and the Semantic Web.

My main strength as a developer is my versatility. Over the course of the last 15 years, I have developed software in numerous frameworks and languages, often under challenging development conditions such as in start-up- and research environments. Furthermore, I have a solid knowledge of development methodologies, paradigms, and processes, and I can draw on a broad variety of development mindsets, from rapid prototyping to systematic academic thinking and scrutiny. This broad experience allows me to choose the technologies, frameworks and mindset fitting the project’s needs, and not the other way around.

I am currently located in Admont, Austria and am currently not available for hire. Click here if you are looking for ways to reach out to me.

To see what projects I am or have been involved in, visit the projects page. Also, I occasionally write about machine learning and software development.